Alternative to Ophilia GO App

I’ve read several times on several different drone forums that the only App available for Holy Stone drones is their Ophilia GO App. I’m a bit puzzled by this because I’ve been using a different App with my HS720E and it’s great. In fact, having had a quick go with Ophelia GO, I think the alternative App is a bit more stable than Ophelia GO. I’m using the M RC PRO App which is available in Play Store for Android and iOS. I just thought I’d mention this in case anyone else would like to have a look at M RC PRO.

Welcome to the Community @PeeBee. Thank you for bringing up this alternative app. We’re quite interested to dig into it a bit deeper and see what it has to offer.

Hi… There are lots of You Tube videos of people using M RC PRO to fly all makes of drone and the general view is that it’s a stable, reliable App preferred by many to Ophelia GO.

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